Sunday, December 02, 2007

I can't believe that I didn't post the entire month of November. Wow time does sure fly by. Lots has happened in the world of Moo.

The most exciting event is that Marley is using her potty consistently. Well at least she is trying to. Those darn diapers. I can't get them off fast enough to get her on her potty in time. November 9th was her first wee-wee and poo-poo in the potty. Prior to that it was only wee-wee. These are "Once upon a Potty" terms. Lately Marley has been letting us know when she has to go by going to the bathroom by herself and moving her potty around. By the time we run back there it is either hit or miss. Why, because those darn diaper tabs stick too well. Or if we have used the same diaper for most of the day, the tab has fallen off and we've resorted to masking tape. I guess that's why they call them disposible diapers. If we follow Marley to the bathroom, we are successful. She pretty much has a potty schedule that we have been following and she uses her potty. It's just those impromptu moments that we fail on. I have ordered pull-ups for her online since I can't find any 7th generation ones on island. I think once we have the pull-ups (no tabs) we'll increase our impromptu potty success.

Marley started daycare last week in order to get more socialization with her peers. Daddy dropped her off the 1st day with no problems. I thought that there would be no separation anxiety and there wasn't. We're happy that we are raising Marley to be so independent. She stays about 2 and 1/2 hours. Monica, her nanny has been picking up.

Just got back Marley's assessments. We changed early intervention providers. The assessment showed that her skills are scattered (15 month to 21 months). Basically the assessment said she was awesone, but we already knew that. The report said that Marley has delays, which she does especially in verbal language. The assessment was done in the middle of November and Marley has already mastered some of the goals that she is supposed to be working for the next 6 months.
I think Marley has just entered her extreme learning phase. She is super alert and is imitating actions like a mad woman. Not to mention her sign language vocabulary is exploding. She is able to use two signs together to communicate. She just began babbling in November. Up until then, we only heard vowel sounds with different intonations. She says DADA, sometimes Mama, and today we were working on cat. She has the "ka" part down. So everything is coming along.
She is walking just fine and is getting faster everyday. We're finally going to break down and get more gates. I think she turned over the cat's water dish at least 3 times today. Mommy just isn't fast enough.

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