Friday, June 15, 2007

We are beginning to stand unassisted!! Yippee!! Marley stood by herself long enough for daddy to run in from another room. It looks like she's on her way.

Well the first front tooth has definitely cut through the skin. According to the dentist she has four more to go. On our visit in late May, the dentist said expect 6 more teeth in a month and a half. The upper left molar came in quickly and we see the 2 front teeth descending. We'll have to take bets on where the other teeth come in.

Marley received a very special package from Grandma. She was excited to see that she got a new swimsuit. Now only if the weather would cooperate so we can go to the beach. It has been rainy and overcast for the past 4 days.


Christina said...

YAY! I hope she is running all over really soon! I hate teething...I hope it isn't that painful for her!

Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

How exciting - I bet she'll be all over the place soon! Good luck with the teething, I'm not looking forward to that with Delphine.