Monday, July 02, 2007

I can't believe that Moo is 16 months old. Where does the time go. It seems this past year has flown by. Marley has grown so much. When I look at her I no longer see a baby, but instead a toddler. She is always in constant motion. The only time she slow down is to eat and sleep. she is definitely keeping mom and dad on their toes.

This past Saturday, Jason came into the kitchen to tell me something and Miss Marley decided that she was going to sneak out of the living room. Actually she probably was bored with her toys in the living room and decided to go check out the laundry room. Jason had not been in the kitchen for more than a minute when we heard a sound like something being poured on the floor coming from the laundry room. We both rushed to the laundry room only to find Moo sitting in the middle of a dog food covered ground with fists full of dog food. She look up at us with this huge grin on her face. Unfortunately the last thing on my mind was to grab a camera. I should have because that picture would have been priceless. To top it off, Marley was chomping away at a few pieces. She taught us. Jason and I have to keep telling ourselves not to let her out of our sight.

When she wasn't crawling or cruising we were wishing that she would. Now we are fondly looking back at the days when we could set her in one place and she would play there. Yet I welcome all the daily new antics that she is up to. One of her best new antics is tacking steps holding on to our hand. She has increased the amount of steps that she takes. She is also trying to stand up independently in the middle of the room. I have to give her credit. She is one determined little girl and works really hard. We know that walking is just around the corner.

Oh yeah, Marley went to her 15 month old well baby checkup and she is a whopping 24 pounds!!!! I was wondering why some of her clothes were a little tight. She is officially now in 18 month old clothing. She is 30 inches long. My little girl is constantly growing up. Everything else is A-okay. She is as healthy as a horse.

1 comment:

Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

She sounds very determined - and very cute!! Glad all is well :)